Grand Island Lions Board Meeting Minutes 2020

Grand Island Lions Club

Board of Directors meeting 1-22-2020

Attendance: 11 in attendance:  Lion Anne, Lion Paul K, Lion Tom R, Lion Tom W, Lion Dick, Lion Bob, Lion Shelia, Lion Kim and Lion Donna, member at large Lion Paul Bassette, Lion Tom DiJohn

 Pre pay on placemats ads. Lion Tom will look into Venmo, pay pal

 Lion Donna will keep everyone informed on the adopt a room for Family Justice Center.

Marketing social media meeting will be Feb 1 at West Seneca Library. DG and Digital Marketing District Chair Lion Aaron Dey will be moderating. We could carpool. Lion Dick and Lion Tom W will be going.

Publicity:  Lion Dave (facebook, web page) Lion Tom and Lion Shelia are on the committee.  We should advertise meetings in the crackerbarrel with information about upcoming meetings

Motion to adjourn Lion Dick, seconded by Lion Tom W, all in favor, meeting adjourned 9:15 PM

Submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Board of Directors Meeting
Phone conference  March 18, 2020
Attendance:  in attendance 7 Anne Fahning, Tom Witkowski, Dick Crawford, Kelly McGarvey, Bob Goulding, Kim Pressley, Donna Lavallee
LP Anne called the meeting to order at 7:06 PM
Committee Reports:
• Spaghetti Dinner: Lion Dick spoke to the Radisson.  They would like us to hold off for 2 weeks before we make a decision on whether or not to cancel the event in light of all of coronavirus cancelations.  Lion Dick will be in communication. Basket raffle collection contacts will temporarily be suspended until we know more.  Lion Bob has a check for 3 placemats ads from Fuccillo.  If, for some reason we cancel the Spaghetti Dinner we will consider having it in September or October.
• Lion Kelly has been in contact with Lion Annette. Due to not hosting the SKP last year we should have funding for the picnic this year, even if we do not have the Spaghetti Dinner. Lion Tom suggested this is true, although we may need to shift funds from General to Welfare.
• MOW:  Meals on Wheels is still delivering although all meals will be left outside. Lion Anne is delivering this Friday.
• Meeting at the Holiday Inn Express on March 25th is canceled, meeting at the Radisson on 4/8 is canceled Lion Dick will relay this to the Radisson.  The meeting at Merritton 4/22 may also be canceled.
• The Erie Canal presentation has been canceled.
• Treasurers Report:   Lion Tom Witkowski reviewed the balances in the General and Welfare funds. Lion Tom is in the
process of setting up the paypal account as well as the 2 gmail accounts. Lion Tom is meeting with the bank to set up the cube for charging at events.
• All vision screenings have been canceled
• District training has been canceled
• Family Justice Center:  Lion Tom has spoken to Marcey at FJC. Our bid has been accepted for the children’s room.  She has estimated the cost to be $3000. Lion Tom will apply for a $1500 grant from the Brandel Murphy Foundation. Lion Tom made a motion that we allocate $1500 and apply for $1500 from Brandel Murphy, seconded by Lion Donna. Discussion. Vote: all in favor, motion passed
• New members: LP Anne relayed ideas from the joint zone meeting. She will work on this and relay to the club.  Suggestions are to invite prospective members to participate in a service project then to a meeting so they get an idea about what we do.  Our zip code will also be targeted for new members through the district.
• Lion Kelly:  Dick and Jenny’s Fundraiser will be planned for May.
• Eyeglass collection: Lion Bob has approximately 200 pair of glasses and 100 cases these will be turned into Walmart the second week of April.
• Community service: In light of all the closures, social distancing, we discussed how we can serve our community. We will look out for our neighbors, especially our elderly neighbors.
• We need to look out for paperwork regarding a special election for the president of LCIF. Lion Tom will inquire about the paperwork and let Lion Anne F know about anything that needs to be completed.
• Motion to adjourn, all in favor, meeting adjourned 7:42 PM
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee
Minutes BOD meeting by Zoom
April 22, 2020
In attendance: Lions Anne F, Dick C, Kelly M, Kim P, Bob G., Paul K., Henry and Annette L.,  Ann R and Dave C.
Call to order 6:06
Moment of silence for Covid 19 victims, their families, and friends and those who are suffering financially due to the virus.
Motion by Lion Dick to approve treasurers’ report. Seconded and passed.
Lion Tom DiJohn has taken a new job so will not renew his membership. He expressed gratitude for his experience with our club. I thanked him for his thoughtful service to our club and community.
May meetings will be cancelled
Dues are now due. Lion Kelly will send notices to members.
Peace Poster winners will be honored at a date to be determined in the Fall.
Special Kids Picnic is on hold as we wait to see how circumstances develop due to Covid-19
Tom W will be attending a Vision Beyond Sight meeting on Saturday.
Family Justice center will receive the $3,000 donation from Grand Island Lions and Brandel Murphy Youth Foundation sometime in June.
After discussion we all agreed to hold the installation in June
Thank you, Lion Anne R, for agreeing to administer our Facebook page.
Lion Secretary Kelly reported a donation of $400 from an Islander grateful for the use of medical equipment from our loan closet. Thanks go out to Lion Dick for facilitating their request!
Per Lion Tom W.
  Emergency grants: our multiple has received a LCIF grant of $200,000 to assist us during the current health crisis.  Our district is eligible for about $13,500 of that amount.  It will be used to provide care kits for healthcare workers and 850 meals to feed them.  The district will also receive $5,000 from the New York State and Bermuda Lions Foundation and $2,500 each from the Lion Ray Wheeler Humanitarian Foundation and Brandel-Murphy Youth Foundation.  The district cabinet is deciding how these funds will be utilized.  We may be called upon to donate additional funds to whatever share we may receive.
Tom moved that we allocate $250 to be reserved when the need arises. It was seconded by Lion Paul K and passed.
There was discussion regarding an placing an ad in the Dispatch. The directors decided against it.
Motion to adjourn at 6:35 by Lion Henry, seconded by Lion Dick.
Submitted by Lion Anne Fahning
Grand Island Board Meeting
May 13, 2020
Meeting called to order: 7:20,
14 in attendance: Anne Fahning, Donna Lavallee, Dave Chervinsky, Kelly Mc Garvey, Kim Pressley, Tom Witkowski, Shelia Ferrentino, Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, Dick Crawford, Tom Rusert, Anne Ryan, Digati’s and Paul Bassette
Service Project: Pick up garbage for Saturday June 13 at 9 AM. Lion Dick will have safety vests, GI Boulevard meet at the Viking Restaurant. Wear masks, Lion Dick will provide pickers, bags, bring your own gloves. Lion Tom W. will fill out paperwork for insurance.  We will submit pictures.
Lion Donna will not fill out the normal paperwork for the July 4th parade, as this is most likely canceled.
Is it premature to cancel the Special Kids Picnic, what is the consensus? Discussion: We will cancel the picnic for this year.  We need to let Lion Ashley Digati know this tonight, Lion Annette will call her. This should be posted on our facebook page.  We could also post on Isle de Grande, Lion Dave will do this.
Peace poster contest winners, we could push this to the fall, we could do this on 9/30 with the DG, subject to places being open.
Next meeting is June 10. This way we may know more about the opening up of the county and country by then, details to follow regarding format.
 BOD meeting                                                                           
Call to order 7:08 pm
In attendance: Anne F, Donna, Dick, Tom R , Tom W. Paul B and Kelly
A motion was made by Kelly and seconded by Tom R. to allow the Scholarship Committee to defer payment of all or some of the awards if students decide to delay their entry to college because of Covid 19. They will have until Sept 1, 2021 to show proof of registration. The motion passed unanimously.
7:15 Motion to adjourn,
Grand Island Lions Club Board Meeting
September 23, 2020
LP Paul Krupa, Tom W. Anne F, Anne R, Kelly Mc, Tom R, Tom D., Ashley D, Henry L, Annette L, Dick Crawford, Dave Chervinsky Donna L
Budget discussion:  Budget will be voted on at the next meeting.  There have been some revisions as well as recommendations.  One is a possible reduction of scholarships given. Addition of Trinity Food Pantry, although Lion Donna will look into the need as this Saturday 9/26/20 is the last food give away this year.  Other items deleted should be reviewed by members and the club will vote on this at the next meeting.
Motion to adjourn: Lion Anne, seconded by Lion Kelly, all in favor, meeting adjourned.

8:25 call to order BOD meeting (10/14/2020)
  Discussed having an upcoming meeting at the Moose Lodge
8:30 Motion to adjourn. Paul B. Second Kelly
Respectfully submitted; Lion Anne F.

Lion Club Board meeting
November 11, 2020
Lion Paul K, Lion Paul B, Anne F, Tom W, Dick C, Dave C, Tom D, Ashley D, Kelly Mc, Donna L,
Donation for Lion Annette, Lion Dave will email all members, supplemented by the club.  Pay pal monies to Anne Fahning or checks to the club. Deadline for checks; December 1, 2020.
Excalibur: donation. Motion Lion Tom W was made to send the normal $500. Seconded by Lion Dick. All in favor. Motion passed.
Leos group donation is out of our general fund, but we have not allocated any monies.  Lion Anne made a motion that we buy the 6 tickets for $30 and give an additional $70 to the MD20 Leos, amended to buying $100 worth of Leo tickets, seconded ion Dick, all in favor.
Melvin Jones:  Motion to have 2 Melvin Jones, one to community and club Lion Paul, seconded by Lion Dick, all in favor. Lion Paul B will coordinate the committee. Once we buy the Brandel Murphy tickets we will have an Uplinger award.  The committee will then decide.
Lion Tom W, Motion to make a donation for the DG visitation for $150 to LCIF, seconded by Lion Paul B, all in favor, motion passed.
Brandel Murphy youth foundation tickets: Lion Tom: Motion the we buy our tickets for $300, seconded by Lion Paul K, all in favor.
Motion by Lion Anne to allocate the monies for Trinity Food Bank, seconded by Lion Kelly, All in favor.
Motion to adjourn: Lion Dick, seconded Lion Anne
Meeting adjourned 8:19 PM
Respectively submitted Lion Donna Lavallee

